Fate and effect of waste water-borne manufactured nanomaterials in aquatic ecosystems (http://www.fenomeno-nano.de/ )


Nanomaterialien in der Umwelt ‐ Neue Ansätze zur Analyse und Risikobewertung

(Nanomaterials in the Environment ‐ New Approaches to Analysis and Risk Assessment)


Mittwoch, 21.03.2018

Universität Siegen

Artur Woll Haus, Am Eichenhang 50, 57076 Siegen

 8:45 - 9:15           Registrierung

Teil 1     ab 9:15 (englischsprachig) 



9:15                       Prof. Holger Schönherr (Siegen): Welcome & Project FENOMENO in a nutshell


9:25                       M.Sc. Roland Vogt (UIBK): Environmental Partitioning of Silver Nanoparticle                                                   Contamination in Lake Mondsee

9:40                       M.Sc. Richard Zeumer (Fraunhofer IME): Fate and Effect of Manufactured                                                      Nanomaterials in the Aquatic Food Chain.

9:55                       M.Sc. Daria Mozhayeva (Siegen) : Advances in Nanomaterial Characterization

                                                      Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

10:10                     M.Sc. Benedikt Steinhoff (Siegen): Nanoparticles in the environment - How to find a

                                                      needle in  a haystack

10:25                     M.Sc. Sara Hartmann (Siegen): Biogenic effects of wastewater-borne silver and                                                             titanium dioxide nanoparticles to Daphnia magna.

10:40                     Dr. Victor Galhano (Aveiro): Ecotoxicological tools to evaluate the environmental

                                                          impact of nanoparticles

10:55                     Coffee break & Posters

11:25                     Dr. Yvonne Kohl vom Fraunhofer IBMT (Projekt NanoUmwelt): Engineered                                                     nanomaterials in the environment: identification, quantification and analysis                                                of human- and ecotoxicological effects

11:55                     M.Sc. Irina Politowski (RWTH Aachen): CNT exposure in freshwater algae                                                         Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii:                                                       bioavailability and long-term effects.

12:10                     Dr. Jürgen Schnekenburger (Münster), Biomedizinisches Technologiezentrum: Digital                                               Holographic Microscopy for in vitro testing of nanomaterial toxicity

12:40                     Prof. Dr. Martin Wiemann (Münster), IBE R&D gGmbH (Projekt NanoBioDetect)

                                               Moderne Imaging-Methoden zum Nachweis von Nanomaterialien in Gewebe

13:10                     Lunch & Posters

13:45                     Frau Dr. Andrea Haase (Berlin), Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (Projekt                                   NanoToxClass): NanoToxClass: Establishing nanomaterial grouping strategies based                                                on multi-omics analyses

14:15                     Ende Teil 1


Teil 2     ab 14:15 (deutschsprachig)


14:15                     Sebastian Kühr (Fraunhofer IME / Siegen): Ökotoxikologie & Nanomaterialien                                                           in der Umwelt

14:45                     Prof. Klaudia Witte (Siegen): Wasserflöhe als Biosensoren für Nanopartikel

15:15                     Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. phil. h.c. Carl Friedrich Gethmann (Siegen): Ethische Fragen                                    beim Herstellen und In-Verkehrbringen von Nanomaterialien. Risiko-Chancen-                                          Abwägungen und Vorsorgeprinzip

15:45                     M.Sc. Benedikt Steinhoff (Siegen): Auf der Suche nach den kleinsten Teilchen in                                                            Umweltproben mit modernsten Mikroskopen

15:55                     M.Sc. Bastian Spelz (Siegen): Nanomaterialanalytik mittels plasmabasierter Techniken

16:05                     M.Sc. Sara Hartmann (Siegen): Zebrafische im Dienst der Wissenschaft: Verändern                                       Nanopartikel die Schwimmaktivität von Fischlarven?

16:15                     Prof. Holger Schönherr (Siegen) - Abschließende Diskussion, 

                                         Concluding Remarks und Verabschiedung




                                               Prof. Dr. Holger Schönherr

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                                               Tel. ++49 271 740 2806

Teilnehmerzahl: begrenzt, ca. 50 Personen

Anmeldung:         Kostenlose Registrierung

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Prof. Dr. Carsten Engelhard, Prof. Dr. Klaudia Witte, und Prof. Dr. Holger Schönherr


Department Chemie - Biologie


M36 Meeting at Fraunhofer IME, Schmallenberg, March 20th 2018


M24 Meeting at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, March 28th & 29th 2017

The M24 Project Meeting of FENOMENO took place at the Department of Biology of the University of Aveiro. In addition to the meeting, a dedicated workshop on Ethics and Risk Assessment was organized on March 30th, in which among others Dr. Bruno Gransche (FoKoS, University of Siegen) lectured on “Nano beyond risk – An introduction to applied ethics and the specific challenges of nano‐ethics”.



M12 Meeting at Mondsee, Austria, April 7th & 8th 2016

The second Project Meeting of FENOMENO took place at the Research Institute for Limnology of the University of Innsbruck at lake Mondsee. In addition to intense discussion of the results thus far achieved in the project, the partners obtained experience in a hands-on sampling campaign on the lake organized by the Mondsee team.

 Ggroup pic FENOMENO Mondsee 2016Aquaria FENOMENO Mondsee 2016Field work FENOMENO MOndsee 2016

(Press release, University of Innsbruck, NANOPARTIKEL - der Mondsee als Modellökosystem, https://www.uibk.ac.at/limno/news/)



FENOMENO Kick-off Meeting in Siegen, April 29th, 2015

Photograph: Press Office of the University of Siegen

